Our Alumni Team

“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.”

Donna S.
“I want to make a difference in someone’s life, just like someone did for me. I want them to know that recovery is possible, by being that example. Don’t just tell me, show me how it’s done.”

Jamie G.
“Recovery is a journey, not a destination, and every step forward is a victory, no matter how small.”
Our Alumni Program
With treatment and continuing care, those in recovery experience the powerful strength of group support.
Through this process, Starlite alumni continue to grow and acquire the recovery skills so necessary for successful living, while realizing the goodness of recovery, one day at a time.
Successful long-term recovery requires a strong support system. We make it easier to stay connected to our caring professionals and your fellow alumni, encouraging the fellowship so important to sobriety. As one of the oldest and most respected residential addiction treatment centers in Texas, we have more than 45,000 alumni across the United States.
To receive information about Starlite alumni events, including meetings, community outreach opportunities, and our annual Alumni Reunion, please contact Roy Perez, Starlite’s Alumni Coordinator, for additional information.
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